UTC Webinar: Fiber-Optic Cable & Connectivity Selection & Termination Practices for Utilities
June 29 July 12, 2021
Website:Not available
Fee(s):This event has a fee
Description:This two-part webinar will cover: options for choosing fiber optic cables for harsh industrial datacom environments such as those found in substations; and the multiple ways of terminating a fiber-optic cable. Aimed at engineers and project managers that are looking for direction in retrofit upgrades from copper to fiber in substations or those designing new substations.
Part One of the webinar will address how different situations call for different fiber connector types and even different connector termination methods, including splice-on connectors, mechanical connectors, factory terminated cables, and fusion splicing. Part Two of the webinar will enhance attendees' knowledge of basic fiber-optic selection help provide value to customers. Part One of the webinar will address how different situations call for different fiber connector types and even different connector termination methods, including splice-on connectors, mechanical connectors, factory terminated cables, and fusion splicing. For webinar registration questions please contact support@utc.org For membership questions please contact membership@utc.org