UTC performed a detailed benchmark study of key performance indicators (KPIs) for member utilities’ telecommunications. After providing customized benchmark reports to each participating utility, UTC used the same responses in aggregate to create an overall view of how utilities organize and measure their operations telecommunications.
UTC’s new report, Utility Telecom Networks Key Performance Indicators, presents and analyzes utilities’ detailed responses to the benchmarking study. The report includes benchmark information and recommendations on areas that include:
• Provision of network services
• Staffing network teams
• Customer service measurement
• Network performance measurement
• Cybersecurity implementation
This report concludes with a list of recommendations for utilities that wish to improve or optimize their operations telecommunications.
Price (Report rate is determined by membership type):
Member Utility - $1,000
Non-Member Utility - $2,000
Member Non-Utility - $3,000
Non-Member Non-Utility - $5,000